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  4. Clear Bags
  5. Clear LD Polythene Bag
    120 Gauge
    Various Sizes


Clear Bags

Clear LD Polythene Bag
120 Gauge
Various Sizes

  • Overview
  • Product Data

Our 120 guage clear foods safe polythene bags come in varying sizes from 6" (150mm) to 24" (600mm).
The more common 120g sizes are supplied in a handy cardboard dispenser box.
Approved for food use: Manufactured from low density 100% virgin quality polythene.
120 Gauge - 30 Micron (light duty use) Polythene Bags
120 gauge / 30 micron general duty clear polythene bags are more commonly used for packaging and storage of smooth lightweight components e.g. clothing, sweets, sandwiches, leaflets and instruction booklets.
If you require a different gauge or thickness of polythene bags then please take a look at our main polythene bags page.

  • Suits a wide variety of packaging applications
  • Buy cheap poly bags at the best prices
  • Approved for food use
  • Perfect clear bags for hundreds of uses
  • Hygienic protection from dust and moisture
  • See through clear poly bags keeps your goods visible
  • Simply seal using bags neck sealers, heat sealer or cheap ties
Product ID: 1621
Condition: NewCondition
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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