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  5. Deb Natural POWER WASH - 2lt Cartridge


Industrial Range

Deb Natural POWER WASH - 2lt Cartridge

  • Overview
  • Product Data
  • Uses the power of Debasol®, Deb's patented combination of solvent free, natural sunflower oil extracts with cornmeal and ground olive oil stone scrub to provide a highly effective ‘deep-clean’ performance.
  • Removes paints, inks, resins, adhesives and other print shop contaminants
  • Effective on most ingrained and difficult to remove industrial soilings.
  • Contains moisturiser to help ensure regular use does not affect skin hydration.
  • For use with DEB Stoko Cleanse Heavy Dispenser
  • Enquire about free on loan dispensers
  • Case:  2lt x 4, 4 lt x 4 (available to order)

Product ID: 2051
Condition: NewCondition
Categories: Deb Skin Care   Industrial Range  
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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