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  5. Cutan Moisturising Cream - 1lt Cartridges



Cutan Moisturising Cream - 1lt Cartridges

  • Overview
  • Product Data
  • Fragrance free formula minimises the potential risk of skin irritation and allergic reaction.
  • Tested to be hypoallergenic and non-irritant
  • Ultrasonically sealed cartridges help prevent cross-contamination.
  • Each 1 litre cartridge provides up to 1,000 doses of cream.
  • Soothing, non-greasy, easily absorbed ointment helps maintain skin condition.
  • Can be used in with medical scrubs containing chlorexidine without neutralising the anti bacterial activity
  • Used in Proline Dispensers
  • Enquire about free on loan dispensers
  • Case:  6 x 1ltr
Product ID: 2082
Condition: NewCondition
Categories: Deb Skin Care   Healthcare  
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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