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  5. Tork Express Multifold Hand Towel 2ply


Tork Products

Tork Express Multifold Hand Towel 2ply

  • Overview
  • Product Data

The Tork Xpress™ Hand Towel system for Multifold hand towels is suitable for environments that demand both comfort and hygiene - such as restaurants, offices and healthcare facilities

  • QuickDry: dries hands quickly and thoroughly
  • Soft: gentle on the hands
  • Ecolabel - Made from recycled fibre.
  • Leaf pattern: designed to make a great impression
  • Large towel: ensures one towel is enough
  • One at-a-time dispensing: hygienic and lower consumption

2 Ply White

Case:  21 packs x 180

Sheet Size: 34cm x 21cm

Product ID: 2201
Part code: 7322540725223
Condition: NewCondition
Brand: Tork
Categories: Paper Products   Tork Products  
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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