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COSHH Online Training Course

Hazardous Substances (COSHH)

  • Overview
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An online multilingual learning and assessment facility to help you with required training and product awareness.Evans E-Learn is FREE for all users of Evans Vanodine products.

The Hazardous Substances COSHH training course is designed to safeguard you when using Evans Vanodine products. It will take you through a detailed overview of COSHH, followed up with sessions on Classification, Health Risks and Control Measures

The course generally lasts between 20 and 30 minutes and can be completed at a time and place that suits. If you are unable to complete the course in one go, you can exit at any point throughout the course and progress will be saved in order to return and complete at a later time.


 On completion of all sessions, users are required to take a short test. When a pass rate is a acheived, a certificate will be issued, for you to print and keep. A copy will also be saved on the system in the users training record. The Evans branded certificate displays the RoSPA logo, along with user details and pass rate.




Product ID: 2234
Condition: NewCondition
Please call for price Availability: 1 in stock
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