About Us
Quality Service We believe in the 'every customer counts' ethic, going the extra mile for the people who buy from us. That means taking time to find the right products, at the best price.
Reliable People If we've made a promise, we deliver on it; and if there's a problem, we'll tell you how we're going to fix it.
Open Communication Communication is the key. It is the oil that helps the wheels of business turn smoothly. So we tell it like it is - with our people, our suppliers and our customers.
Consistent Product Whatever products you purchase from us, we believe that our products should always meet expectations.
GMC Corsehill was formed in 2005 following the merger of GMC Hygiene and Corsehill Packaging. This merger makes us one of the largest packaging and janitorial suppliers of products in Scotland.
With over fifty years experience supplying the business industry, our aim has been to provide the best practical and most cost-effective products that fulfil our customers' needs, with no compromise on quality.
Its our aim to offer customers total dependability, which we strive to deliver through the four cornerstones of our business.